Some people think that it has to be annoying or tedious to secure your home. Protecting your home is actually very easy. This article has tips that will help you secure your home.
Home security plans have other features along with an alarm that goes off during a break-in. Some give offer the option to monitor all entries into the house. This is a valuable safety feature for parents of small children since they know if their child has exited the home.
Your home should looked occupied all the time. You could purchase timers which make lights and TV’s, as well as other devices, power on or off at varying intervals. This will make it look like someone is home. It is also another way to secure your home.
Buy a safe to keep all of your valuables in one place at home. You can’t have your valuable personal items and jewelry out in the open for anyone to see. Hide that safe in a difficult-to-reach place like in a closet inside your basement or an attic.
Make sure that you change the locks once you’ve taken possession of the house. The person who previously owned the home may have made copies of keys. Speak with a locksmith to get a unique lock for your home. You should also have your locks changed if you lose your keys.
Go with your gut when you invite a home security company representative into your house. This is especially important when it comes to the company employees who will be installing your system. Don’t hesitate asking for another technician or get another company. Security is supposed to give you peace of mind after all!
In the summer, remove vegetation and dead wood from your yard. These are vulnerable to fires and put your home in danger. Clear up your yard so it looks good and is safe.
Don’t think you’re not at risk just because you don’t live in a big city. Some think residents of the country are even more vulnerable because there are no close neighbors. Still, many believe that rural environments are less frequently targeted by burglars.
It will not benefit you to be shy. Speak with your neighbors and friends in the area. Ask them to keep an eye on your home, and do the same thing for them. Don’t ignore any gossip either. You can learn of important security information, including if strangers have been lurking.
Your home may be equipped with skylights, and if so you must not neglect them in your security planning. Skylights are a great addition to any home, but they are also tempting entryways for crooks. Be certain to have skylights that incorporate strong, durable hardware.
Even the wires inside your home are worth something. Lots of people fail to appreciate this until they are hit by thieves. The reason they are valuable is because of their copper. A burglar can easily strip off your wires from the outside of your home very quickly. Be sure that your wiring is concealed or difficult to access in order to keep your wires safe.
It is not a good idea to hide a spare key on your property. You are allowing people to invade your home when you make it easy for them. Thieves are aware of the best hiding spots. If you have a neighbor you can trust, have them hold your extra key.
Rotten Wood
Flashlights in your home should always have newer batteries if your power goes out. If the lights go out, they will ensure everyone stays safe. If you have kids, teach them how to properly use the flashlights so everyone in the family can help out during a power outage.
Replace rotten wood on your door frame. Rotten wood is easily removed and can give an intruder a way into your home. Be sure and replace rotted wood with fresh wood in order to ensure home safety.
You can make your home safer by investing in some motion detectors and outside lights. These lights will keep your property well lit and give you a good idea of who approaches your home. Positioned correctly, these lights can make it impossible for intruders to get on your property undetected.
Make sure to ask for identification for any home security company representative. Intruders can easy pass themselves off as an employee of a security company just to get inside your house. Intruders could disguise themselves as home security representatives to inspect your current security system. Use caution to stay out of danger.
The Internet is great for searching for home security companies, so use it to your advantage. Go through different websites and investigate testimonials about different companies and packages. After narrowing down your top five choices, you can then take the next step by contacting each one.
Find out how long a company has been in operation before signing a home security contract. Look for a security company that is well-established and has extensive experience in the industry. Knowing you are not dealing with a fly by night company gives you extra peace of mind when making this important decision.
A wireless home security system could be just the option you are looking for. Wired systems may be cheaper, however it usually means you’ll have to rewire your home, and your system may get finicky in the event of a power outage. The wireless systems are simpler to maintain and install and they don’t need power from the home to run.
Get a paper shredder. Thieves often dig through garbage to obtain personal data that will help them enter the house. If a paper shredder is not in your budget, consider tearing your documents into tiny pieces or even burning them.

If you are planning to be away, and you have someone picking up your mail, ask them to also double-check your door for fliers. Thieves will drop off flyers to see if home owners are away. By your neighbor taking the flyer, it appears as if you got it yourself.
A smart way to prevent burglars from entering the garage is to keep them from seeing what is inside. Go to a hardware store and buy some frosting so you can cover your windows. Also keep your garage door closed whenever possible, especially if you will be stepping away from it for an extended period of time.
Anytime you make a new electronics purchase, keep the boxes off the curb until the very last minute. This will show that you have expensive equipment in your home. You should cut up the boxes once you empty them.
Credit Card
You should always keep your blinds and curtains closed. If you keep them up, intruders will be able to see right into your home. If they spot something desirable, they will seek access. Close your drapes or blinds while you are asleep, too.
Don’t use spring-latch locks. Spring latch locks are the easiest locks to gain entry with, as they can be opened with a simple credit card. Intruders can just wedge the credit card in between the latch and the door, causing it to open. If your doors have locks that are spring latch, add a deadbolt for extra security.
Purchase motion sensor lighting for the next generation in home security. Lots of companies have this, which triggers your exterior lights whenever something or someone moves near a doorway. This will ward off thieves and make you feel safe when you come home.
Don’t keep your car registration inside the glove compartment. Anyone having access to this information can see where you live. Keep them in your wallet or in another safe place in your car. You should have easy access to them if you should be pulled over.
The sliding doors made of glass that you see on many modern homes are actually a big security concern. Intruders can easily unlock these doors by simply lifting and shaking. If you don’t have an alarm set up for them, use pipe cut to fit at the door channel. This keeps your door closed tightly and it will make it much harder to open forcibly.
If you’re worried about how you’re going to be able to maintain a wireless system, you may want to opt for a wired one instead. Sure, wireless options are easier to use, but they consume battery power quickly. Forgetting to add new batteries can cause your system to not work as it should. Buying new batteries to replace the old ones can get expensive.
Although the nosey neighbor is often considered a nuisance, as a homeowner it can be valuable to forge relationships with gossipy types. If suspicious people are lurking around your place, the busybody may notice it right away. If your friends with them, they can alert you immediately.
Keep your most valuable possessions secure. Some examples include legal documents, expensive jewelry, financial records, passports and family pictures. A great choice for keeping these items in your home is a floor safe. A better idea could be to store these inside a box outside of your house.
Second floor windows have to be locked tight, too. A lot of people assume criminals won’t try these windows. This may not be what happens. Never underestimate the ability of an intruder to get into your home if they are really determined.
Purchase motion sensor lighting for the next generation in home security. A lot of them have this, and they cause outside lights to come on when people approach your home. Motion sensitive lighting can scare off an intruder and allow you to safely enter your home.
Though inside locks are great, they do little if they cannot also be locked externally. Ideal locks are deadbolts which lock with both internal and external key locks.
Glass Doors
When it comes to pets, large breed dogs are an excellent security addition. Anyone who breaks into your home wouldn’t want to be attacked. Get a dog that is friendly and good with your kids, while also being a good protector.
It can be tough to provide the proper level of security in a home equipped with sliding glass doors. The glass doors can easily be unlocked or broken. If your doors are not equipped with a security system, grab a pipe and cut it so that it fits the channel of the door. This prevents the door from being opened.
Buy security systems from a company over someone reselling it. Resellers are interested in profits, not continued long-term service relationships. When talking to the company, make sure you don’t have to pay hidden fees and that someone will fix the equipment if needed.
A formal automated home security system is just one of many possible solutions to consider when you are looking for options to keep your family safe. There are many options, including purchasing pepper spray, adding deadbolts and enclosing your yard with a fence, as well as others. Keep these tips in mind when making your home safer.
Even if the previous tenants of your home were nice people, you should still replace all of your locks and keys immediately. This applies to purchases and rentals, so ask the landlord to change the locks, or do it on your own.