Home Newsbeat Awesome Home Security Tips That Will Actually Work

Awesome Home Security Tips That Will Actually Work

Awesome Home Security Tips That Will Actually Work

You need to definitely be concerned about the type of security you have for your home. You can never know when a burglar will attempt to do you harm. Read the tips in this article so you can get ideas on to learn how to make your home safe.

Man’s best friend can also be trusted to secure a spare key. This can be done if your dog can come outside. Keep a spare key around the dog’s collar.

Always have the locks after moving into a new home.You simply do not know how many keys by the former owner. Do the same thing if you happen to misplace your keys.

Only provide your house cleaner with a key if you trust him or her implicitly. Anyone you give the keys to your home to should be unarguably honest. One way to do this is to check their references. If you hire a cleaner from a company, then you should check the company with the BBB.

Do you keep your dog outside when you are away from home? Your furry friend is also a great storage place to hide your spare key. Put the key on their collar. This is quite effective if the dog does not take kindly to strangers.

Do you keep your dog outside if you leave the home? This is a good spot for keeping your spare key. Simply put the key onto your dog’s collar so that robbers cannot locate it. Especially if your dog is not very friendly, this will help keep your key safe.

Don’t open your door for someone who is a stranger. People try many ways to convince others into letting them in so that they can steal from them. Make it a house rule forbidding anyone to open your home’s door to people you were expecting.

The best home security systems do much more than sound the alarm (literally). Most systems could sound an alarm when someone enters the home. It’s a great feature for parents as they can tell if a child is potentially leaving the house.

Keeping your car inside will prevent people from vandalizing it. This will also keep people from home.

If you want to have a spare key hidden outside of your home, hide it carefully. Under the doormat or above the door frame are all too common spaces that will be checked first by potential intruders. A possible solution is to attach a key to your outdoor dog’s collar.

Regardless of the quality of your home security system, be sure to have regular inspections and maintenance performed. Get a security comapny tech to check it out.You might not know there’s an issue if they aren’t easily sighted.

Eliminate dead vegetation and rotting wood from the yard each summer. These can pose a fire hazard due to heat and storms with lightning. Always clear the yard to ensure safety.

Use the spaces in your walls as hiding spaces. You don’t have to damage the wall to do this. Many areas in your house are already cut that can be used for this purpose.

Motion-sensor lights can alert you of a robbery before it even happens. The motion sensors turn on the lights whenever anyone approaches your home. This will discourage would be thieves and alert you to any movement on your property. However, make sure to put in fresh bulbs every now and then.

Having these boxes nearby can tell robbers what kind of items that are inside your home.

Go with your gut when you invite a home security company representative into your house. You should be very picky when it comes to letting people inspect your home. Ask for someone else to come out or switch companies. You want your new system to protect you, not be the way the thief gets into your home.

Are you aware of the fact that your home’s wires? Lots of people fail to appreciate this until their wires are hit by thieves. The wiring has copper inside the wire is very valuable and may be stripped off a short time span. Make sure the wiring is concealed or difficult to access to keep this valuable property safe.

If you have skylights, do not neglect them when making sure your home is secure. Skylights are excellent for beauty and light, but it’s easy for burglars to gain access to your home through them. Having heavy duty, reliable hardware is best when it comes to skylights.

Use the Internet to find a new home security company.Once you have selected a few potential home security providers, make appointments with the three best companies you find so that you can compare pricing and other important details.

It is important that your valuables are not visible from anywhere outside your house. Large windows let in a lot of light, but they also allow outsiders to see inside your living space. If your windows face a street, be sure they’re always covered and have your valuables safe.

Landscape around your home with safety in mind. If they are visible, they won’t offer hiding places to potential criminals. This should be planned in advance for your home additional safety.

Always lock your house, even if you are only going to be away for a few minutes. It might shock you to learn that most break-ins occur due to unlocked doors. It does not take long for thieves to steal a lot from your home.

Get a custom-designed plan that fits your needs by having the security company do a site visit in your needs.

If you’ve bought large or pricy items, avoid throwing out boxes until the day the trash is scheduled for pick-up. Exposing the box to view ahead of time signals a burglar that he will find this item in your home.

While these systems could be good for protecting your family, they aren’t necessary for every family. In some areas, you might be better off taking a self defense class or owning a dog, yet in others, the latest innovations in home security will protect you best. Be sure to understand the sorts of risks you face before making big decisions.

The wiring on your house is valuable to burglars. This is something few homeowners realize until they become victims of wiring theft. Copper is expensive and most wiring is composed of it, so stripping it is a great way for crooks to make a quick buck. Be sure to keep your wiring hidden or difficult to reach.

You may have locks that need a code. You can install it yourself.

When you are trying to hire a home security contractor, read all the small print on your contract before signing it. There might be hidden costs or other things you should know about. You should avoid such expenses if you can, so make yourself aware.

Ask about different contract durations that a security company can offer you. There are going to be ups and bad points about each one. Long contracts may cost less each month, but can outlast your stay in the home. Shorter contracts may offer greater freedom at a higher costs.

As the company that is doing your home security how long they’ve been providing this service. A company that has been in business for several years has shown that they can sustain in this industry and proven they provide reliable services that people recommend. Knowing you are not dealing with a fly by night company gives you extra peace of mind when making this important decision.

Do not use spring latches.These locks are easy to break into since they may be opened easily with a credit card. Intruders just have to slide a card in between the latch and door for the door. Add a deadbolt if you do not want to replace your spring latch locks for maximum security.

If you come to your home and discover that your door has been left open, avoid investigating by yourself. The thief may remain inside. Instead, call the police to inform them of what happened, and wait on them.

Being friendly will bring you right away.

Consider buying a paper shredder for your home. Unshredded documents can offer up a wealth of valuable personal information to thieves, including enough of your schedule to allow them to pinpoint the best time for a burglary. Rip paper into tiny pieces if you can’t afford to purchase a paper shredder.

You want to always keep second-floor windows locked. Many people don’t think a criminal won’t check them. This could not be further from the case. This is often a weak point of home security and criminal generally know this.

If you will be away from your home, arrange to have whoever is collecting your mail to also pick up fliers placed inside your door. Burglars have been known to put these up, waiting to see if they are removed or not. If the flier is not moved, they know that the occupant is not around or on vacation.

Women living alone or with just children are easy targets for home invasion. Place big muddy boots near the front of your home to give off a tough impression. This will definitely deter criminals from your home.

Your security company might give you the option to lease and eventually buy your security equipment. Buying equipment can be pricey upfront, but it’s a single cost versus a monthly cost. While leasing might be less expensive, it also comes with high monthly fees and contracts. Compare both avenues to see which one is better suited for your needs.

Having a big dog that has a loud bark is helpful. Burglars would not want risk being bitten or attacked.

Be sure not to use your birthday as the password on your door lock’s numeric key pad. Anyone could get your date of birth from Facebook and could have access into your house. Instead, make it a number which you can figure out through a math equation so you remember the equation instead of the number.

Buy your alarm system straight from the company and not a reseller. Re-sellers are really looking to make a buck, and they likely won’t offer you any guarantees.

Does your security firm offer lights with motion sensors? This is often an option from a good company. Motion sensitive lighting turns on when a person approaches your home in the dark. This can offer you additional safety as you are entering your home, and it can also deter an intruder.

External wiring is sometimes all that a home is often a very easy target for potential thieves. The copper in components and wiring is being sold for a good price.Conceal the wiring of your home so intruders cannot remove it or you will have to spend a big repair bill.

Get security systems directly through the company. A re-seller simply wants to make money, and they generally don’t have your best interests at heart. Dealing with the company itself will ensure that you’re not paying a middleman and provide you with a warranty.

Carbon Monoxide

Whenever possible, keep your yard free of kids’ toys when your children aren’t actually playing outside. This shows thieves that females may be on the property. Homes where women live are more targeted since their jewelry is usually more valuable than those of men.

Clean out all carbon monoxide and smoke detectors regularly. Lint and dust could build up and could interfere with them. This makes your detectors ineffective when keeping your home safe from carbon monoxide or smoke.

Guns make some folks feel safer in their homes. Consider getting some gun training, just in case. Just knowing that you have guns in your house could make you feel safer.

Video surveillance systems are a criminal’s worst nightmare. Burglars that wear masks like in movies. Many home burglars will not wear anything to cover their face because they have no intention of ever being seen.

Did you know that even your garbage can affect your home security? For instance, if you have bought pricy electronics and you place the empty boxes outdoors, thieves will see that and end up breaking into your home to snatch them. The smallest of purchases may indicate you have something valuable in your home, making thieves believe you have things worth taking.

You should change the code of your garage door opener’s code. The default code you get is standard for all units and can open many garages. Thieves go from door to door with an opener until they figure out the generic code it has.

If your shed has a ladder inside, be sure there is a lock on the shed. This is the same thing as inviting a burglar get into your house.

Be realistic – prepare for the worst. Understand that bad things can occur anytime; therefore, being prepared is extremely important. These tips will help prevent this hardship from occurring.

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About The Author

Written by
James D. Parker

James D. Parker is professional surveillance camera experts, understand more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, and have a wealth of surveillance camera related knowledge

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