If you own valuable items, such as jewels, jewelry or large sums of money, don’t think only you know about it. You should protect your home. Read these tips for ideas on how to make your house a safer place.
Always make your house appear to be occupied. Invest in timers to automatically turn on and off any electronics at various times. This way, your house will always look occupied. That means burglars will pass right by.
Make your home look like it’s always occupied. You could purchase timers and have your TVs, as well as other devices, radios and other types of electronics to go on at various times. This helps to create the appearance that someone is presently at home. This is an excellent method for avoiding burglary and keeping a home safer from burglaries.
Buy a small home safe that you can use to keep your valuables in. Doing so can protect your valuables in the event of a robbery. Keep your safe in your basement or attic to make it hard to find.
Do you keep your dog outside if you go out? They may provide you with a useful place to hide your spare key. Put the key on their collar. This works especially useful if the dog does not take kindly to strangers.
When you’re picking out home security equipment and services, don’t forget to ask your friends and family for help. They probably have both positive and negative things to tell you, and those comments will help you make your own decision. Keep asking to get the advice that will help you make the right choice.
Comparison shop when you are ready to buy a security system. Make sure to obtain quotes from at least three companies prior to deciding on a final one.
Never let a stranger inside. Even if they tell you a sob story about needing help, this warning remains true. These people might want to actually do you harm or could be casing out your house for a future break-in.
Above doors or under a mat are not smart ideas. One good place to hide your key is in the collar of your outdoor dog.
Eliminate dead vegetation and rotting wood from the yard each summer. Due to the heat, these items in your yard are more likely to catch on fire. As a result, your home could be caught on fire. Clearing your yard keeps your home, belongings and family much safer.
This helps protect your home under all circumstances.
Don’t be shy. Talk to your neighbors. By knowing the people in your neighborhood, you can rest a little easier knowing that people are looking out for each other. Listen for gossip too. You never know what sort of security issues you might become privy to.
These can be fire hazards and can cause damage to your home in danger. Clear your yard so it looks good and is safe.
Hide valuables in spaces in your walls. This does not mean that you should make alterations to your walls. There should be pre-cut spaces throughout your home that will suffice. Consider unwiring an electrical socket that isn’t used and storing your valuable jewelry.
Keeping your car secured will deter thieves from vandalizing it. This will also keep people from home.
Don’t ever place your spare key under your mat or next you a plant box. Keeping a spare key is convenient but intruders will have access to your home if your key is too easy to find. Burglars are well aware of these hiding places. You should have a trusted neighbor keep a spare key.
This is especially true when you feel unease about the actual system. Ask the company to send a different installer or switch companies.The point of having a security system and the company should put your mind at ease.
Keep valuables out of sight of windows. Open curtains allow people to see inside your home and see exactly what you have. If your house has street-facing windows, make sure they are always covered and your make sure your valuables are hidden away.
Some people feel that rural dwellers have greater risk since their neighbors live farther away. Others think that burglars are not as likely to target rural areas.
A good home security system monitors all entry points to your home. Each window represents a possible entry for your thief. Make sure you have a monitored alarm on every one of them. This can keep your family much safer.
Don’t ever put your spare key under your doormat or in a plant box. These are the first places for you when they try to enter your home. Thieves aren’t stupid and also know about all these hiding spots.
Rotted wood in your door framing should be replaced. Rotten wood can be removed in order to get inside your home. Replace the rotting door frame with a new one and keep your home much safer.
When selecting an alarm set-up, pick one that offers protection that goes beyond the doors. All windows are possible entry spots for a thief too. You want to be sure that monitors all your windows and entry points. This is just one more thing you can keep your home.
If your home isn’t new, replace the locks. Though the prior occupant may have relinquished their keys, there may be copies out there. You can do your own installation to make sure that no one else has a key.
Are you aware that your home wiring is worth something? A lot of people do not know this until a thief steals it from their home. The copper and may be stripped off the exterior of the house in a home. Make sure the wiring is hidden or hard to access in order to keep this valuable property safe.
Before letting someone from a security company into a house, get some sort of official identification. Intruders could disguise themselves to inspect your home. This could be quite dangerous. You want to use caution to prevent danger.
Ask about the history of any home security company how long they have been in business before you are considering. A company with a while has proven that their service is reliable. Knowing that you are dealing with a fly by night company gives you extra peace of mind when making this important decision.
Screen the references of anyone who would have access to your house. Perform a background check to learn about their criminal history, too. It is not a good idea to give anyone a key to your home, even contractors or repairmen.
Ground Floor Windows

Have home-security companies come to your home so they can design the best possible system for it. Every family is different, and so your security needs will be unique. Most companies will create an individual plan to meet your needs so you can have a high level of security to assure your peace of mind.
The outside your house should be well lit. Burglars like the cover that night provides their criminal activities. Install lights in any area a potential intruder can get into your home. This can include garages, the garage, as well as ground floor windows, and ground floor windows that criminals can use.
Be sure and keep the outside of your house well lit. Dark houses invite burglars who prefer to operate under cover of darkness. Add lights to any areas you believe are potential entry points for burglars. Consider all your doors, porches, patios, decks, garages and all ground-level windows.
Make sure your house number are clearly visible from the street. If an emergency occurs, the police may have difficulty finding you in an emergency.
Buy a paper shredder. Thieves might go through your trash bags to find bills for valuables or personal information. Rip paper into tiny pieces if you can’t afford to purchase a paper shredder.
Keep curtains pulled tight when you aren’t at home. Intruders can see into your home if they are up. You should also have them closed while you are asleep.
Find out more about the different contracts your security company offers. There are usually pros and cons in each contract. You may pay less if you sign up for longer, but you might also get left with a contract if you have to sell your house. Shorter contracts have more freedom, but the monthly costs could be higher.
You shouldn’t keep your auto registration documents inside the glove box. This is not wise since anyone who gets them will know your address. Keep them on you or hide them elsewhere.They have to be available if the event you over.
Don’t use spring-latch locks. These type of locks can actually be opened by using a credit card. Intruders can just wedge the credit card in between the latch and the door, causing it to open. If your locks are spring latch, either replace them or put in a deadbolt to protect yourself.
Anyone can easily get your date of birth from a Facebook and could have access into your house.
Put the shades down on your windows when you are out. If the blinds are up, then the intruders can see directly through your home. If they notice this, they may break in. Always close your curtains and blinds while sleeping.
Financial Records
If you turn lights off and on at the same hours each day, you should use a timer. This can simplify your life, but it also makes your home appear lived in if you are away.
Always store your valuables in a secure place. Items like passports, family photos, financial records, expensive jewelry and financial records need to be placed at a secure location. A floor safe can keep these things inside your house. You could also look into getting a safety deposit box.
Keep your windows upstairs locked. Many people overlook this since they don’t think criminals will check them. This may not be what happens. This is a common weak spot in most people’s home security, and thieves are very aware of this.
Ask the security company if they offer motion sensitive lighting. This further protects you enter your home.
Make sure to clean carbon monoxide and smoke detectors regularly. Dust can build up and cause the sensors to not be as effective as they should be. This can leave you in trouble down the road.
Clean out all carbon monoxide and smoke detectors often. Lint and dust can build up and could interfere with them. This means they won’t be as effective at protecting you from carbon monoxide and smoke.
Does your home have an alarm system? If so, it is important that potential burglars know you have one. Yard signs, window decals and noisy sound alarms are all better at keeping someone from ever breaking into your home. If they are inside your home before they find out, the can still take something before running.
Look at home security company that offers more than just security system. Great home security companies are willing to come assess the house and make some recommendations that can keep your family much safer. These might include adding extra locks, trimming bushes or installing windows that are more secure. You want to make sure your company truly cares about your security, and any company that discusses these things with you really cares.
Is there a ladder near your house? You may as well show the burglars exactly how they can get easy access to the second story. Anything a thief can use to reach your second floor should not be accessible to them.
A crook can easily remove them out and come on in they’re not secured. Remove your window air conditioners in the winter when you do not need them.
There have been several incidents when a person knocks on a door claiming they need assistance, and then upon the owner answering the door, they burst into the house and wreak havoc. If a stranger needs help, make a phone call for them with the door closed.
Make everyone aware of your home alarm system obvious to intruders. Window decals or signs in your yard can act as deterrents for would-be intruders.If they become aware of it when they are inside your house, the can still take something before running.
Don’t assume you’ll never be the victim of a crime; be proactive about securing your home. Perpetual fear is not some place you want to live, so take precautions. These tips can put your family in the safest position possible.
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