You have good reason to be concerned about your home’s security. It’s hard to predict when someone will break inside a house to steal items that are valuable or, worse yet, hurt those inside. This article can help safeguard your home to the best of your ability.
A spare key must be carefully hidden and not in the obvious spots that a person might think. Common places to hide a spare key are above your door frame or underneath your doormat. Therefore, thieves are more likely to check these places out first. An example would be to attach a key to your dog’s collar, if he stays outdoors.
You should always make sure your home looks like its occupied. Timers can be used to turn lights and televisions on and off when required. This will make it look like someone is home. This is an effective deterrent against burglars.
It is important to invest in building supplies that are as fire resistant as possible. This give your home an extra protection layer. Lowering or eliminating the risk of a fire is an extremely important home security strategy because a fire can cause extreme destruction very quickly.
Do you let your dog outside when you leave the house? You could let your dog carry a spare key. Stash the key on the pup’s collar to keep it out of sight. Your dog is an especially good key hiding spot if he doesn’t react well to strangers, since they won’t approach him, but the key will be there if you need it.
Rid the outside of your home from dead wood, vegetation and overgrowth during the summertime. You risk a house fire if that sits there during the heat of the summer and catches fire. Keeping your plants and bushes trimmed will benefit your family’s safety as well as the appearance of your home.
Buy fire resistant roofing, flooring and ceiling materials. This adds more protection to a house, especially if you’re in a dry area with some power lines. Fire prevention should be taken seriously because it can stop a major disaster from happening.
It is important that you check your home security system periodically, at least once a year. This is a job for professionals; get a security firm to inspect your equipment. Wild animals, domestic pets, and weather are all factors that can affect the reliability of your home security system. If you don’t see the problem, you may remain unaware of it.
Do not tell anyone that you are going on vacation out of your friend circle. It can be exciting to tell everyone about your vacation, but you could potentially be letting a burglar in on your whereabouts.
Use motion sensors on exterior lighting. If someone enters their proximity, they will light automatically. This lets you know something is moving and also drives off criminals. Test the bulbs frequently, though.
Your friends may have some great advice for choosing the right company. Most will be willing to share their likes, loves and loathes, especially as they realize how important it is to you. Do your research; it will help you make a good decision in the end.
Rural areas are just as prone to break-ins as cities. However, there is the belief that rural dwellers are more susceptible to break ins simply because there are no nearby neighbors. Still, there are those who are of the opinion that rural properties are less of a temptation to burglars.
Local Police Department
When deciding on an alarm system, be sure and get one that protects more than your doors. Burglars can gain entry through your windows as well. If you have an alarm attached to each of your windows and doors, you can keep track of all the entry points for your home. Doing this will help ensure the safety of your home and loved ones.
See what your local police department offers in terms of home protection programs. The police can offer you some great advice, help you engrave valuables and even come check out your home. Call the local police department and inquire as to what programs they offer.
If you have purchased any large and/or expensive items, do not throw the boxes away until the day before the trash man is scheduled to come. You are alerting thieves that there is something worth stealing inside your home.
Be bold. Speak with your neighbors. Watch their homes for suspicious activity and get their word that they will do the same thing for you. Don’t ignore the gossip. You will learn a lot from your neighbors, including details about recent break ins in the area and the shady individuals they noticed.
Don’t let any service people into your home without checking their references completely. Check if they have any history of criminal activity. It is not a good idea to give anyone a key to your home, even contractors or repairmen.

Those living in rural areas often don’t worry as much about intruders compared to city dwellers. The risk is still there, so a home security system is vital. You need to do some research on the areas where you live to get an idea of how frequent break ins are.
Whenever you sign with a home-security company, it is important that you thoroughly read the contract. Sometimes there are hidden costs involved if you decide to let your service go before the contract expires or add additional equipment at a later point. These are costs you’ll want to avoid.
Hide your valuables in the walls. If you need to protect expensive items in your home, put them inside the walls. Just access unused switch plates, outlets or phone jacks. If you’re using all your outlets, you can install phony ones.
Purchase a paper shredder to prevent your discarded papers from providing burglars with valuable information. Thieves can often be found looking through garbage cans in search of personal information found on bills and credit card slips. You can tear your documents up by hand before disposing of them if a shredder is out of your price range.
Don’t give outside people the ability to see into your home. Large windows at the home’s front can be beautiful, but it can make it easier for criminals to see inside. Be sure to put curtains on your front-facing windows so people can’t see your valuable belongings.
Put in a surveillance system. Video cameras are a great deterrent. Cameras that can be seen are an excellent tool for preventing most burglars from breaking into your home. However, if they are brave enough to try to disable your cameras, hidden cameras will capture them. Some security systems can be accessed with cell phones, so you can check on your house while you are away.
Lock up your house every time you leave. This is often a surprise, but the majority of burglaries are due to someone just waltzing right into an unlocked home. It can be a quick job for a burglar to steal items of great value.
From the road, are your house numbers visible? Small or obscured numbers can make it difficult for emergency personnel to locate your home. Fortunately, the solution to this is quick, easy and rather cheap once you are aware of the need.
Security System
Dogs are among the most effective home burglary systems. These pets are usually territorial and want to protect their masters. A dog with a vicious attitude and large size isn’t necessary. As long as he is noisy when strangers approach, he’s a great addition to the security of your home.
Be certain your wires are hidden, if you have installed a security system in your home. Intruders can easily disable your home security system by cutting or unplugging the wires. Hide them in the walls or bury them underground to keep people from tampering with them. This way, you will be safer.
See if your security firm offers a variety of contract lengths. Each will have its own pros and some cons, too. You may pay less if you sign up for longer, but you might also get left with a contract if you have to sell your house. A shorter contract gives you more freedom, but it may cost you more per month.
Replace rotten wood on your door frame. Anyone who wants to get into your home can easily pry away rotted wood and slip right into your home. Replace any wood that has begun to rot with new wood so that your house stays safe.
Always keep your shades, curtains and blinds closed when you are not at home. Intruders can look into your house if the blinds are up. If they notice this, they may break in. At night when you’re asleep, you should close your shades.
Prior to purchasing a security system, think about what you need it for. Security systems are a proven method of reducing your chance of break-ins, but it is not always the right choice. It may be better for you to take a self-defense class or buy a dog. The neighborhood you live in makes a difference. Make sure you understand your risks so you can make wise purchasing decisions.
Store those items you can’t bear to lose in a very secure area. Items such as family photos, passports, legal documents, expensive jewelry and financial records need to be placed at a secure location. You can buy a cheap floor safe to put these items in. For added safety, place them in a safety deposit box at your bank.
Rather than hoping for the best, you need to be realistic. Understand that bad things can occur anytime; therefore, being prepared is extremely important. These tips will help prevent this hardship from occurring.
Figure out if motion sensitive lighting is an option for your home by talking to your home-security company. This is a common offering from most companies. These lights, affixed to your home’s exterior, illuminate whenever anyone comes within range. This will make you more safe as you walk up to your house, and it can keep intruders away.