Home security is often misunderstood. You should do more research on home security and learn about the different systems available. This article is filled with useful tips that will help you keep your home safe.
Use a safe to protect your valuables. If a burglar enters your home, he or she will have a hard time making off with your possessions. Keep it hidden in a hard to find location.
Make your house look like it’s always occupied. Buy timers that will make your TVs, radios and other electronics turn on and turn off at various times. This makes people think you’re home. This is a great way to keep your home safe and avoid burglaries.
If you have an attached garage, make sure it is secure. Some people are concerned about burglars entering through an attached garage. A C clamp helps for garage doors on a track. The clamp actually keeps the door closed if tightened close to the track roller.
The materials of your home should be fire resistant. Your home will get added protection, especially if your environment is dry and has power lines. Fire is such a destructive force that it makes excellent sense to reduce fire hazards in your home whenever possible.
Motion-sensor lights can alert you of a robbery before it even happens. These are lights that turn on whenever any living thing gets too close to your home. This is a good way of knowing who comes near your home and keeps you safe if you ever come home late. Do not forget to change a bulb when it burns out.
Go with your gut when you invite a home security company representative into your house. This is especially true if you are uneasy with those who are installing the actual system. Ask for someone else to come out or switch companies. Your security system is supposed to help you, not cause you more stress.
While choosing your alarm system, ask about protection for windows and motion detection as well as doors. All windows can be entry spots for thieves. Get an alarm that will trigger if either the doors or windows are opened. With this method, your family will be safer.
Walls are the perfect place to hide. If you have small valuables you want to protect, consider hiding them inside your walls. Just use an unwired electric plug, light switch or phone box. You can also install a fake one.
Never throw out boxes for expensive items until the day your trash is picked up. If you set these boxes out with the trash, thieves will know you have expensive items in your house.
Lock up your house every time you leave. It might shock you to learn that most break-ins occur due to unlocked doors. Thieves can steal thousands worth of your belongings very quickly.
If you hire a security company, read any fine print. There may be hidden costs to doing business with them, including early termination fees and surprising equipment costs. You want to try to avoid these fees whenever possible, so make sure you are aware of them.
When you pick an alarm system, it’s a good idea to get one that provides protection for both doors and windows. Windows need to be monitored too. You want to be sure that the alarm is connected to all windows and entry points. With this method, your family will be safer.
Always enlist the powers of online research to help you make a smart choice when it comes to home security companies. Many websites offer reviews, recommendations, and detailed pricing information. With this information, you can contact the companies you feel comfortable with and compare the rates to each other.
You should have several flashlights and batteries in all your rooms. It is extremely important that you have flashlights because they allow you to move around easier in the dark, which is especially useful in an emergency. Keep in mind that your family might be separated during a power outage, and make sure you children know where to find and how to use your flashlights.
Do your landscaping keeping safety in mind. You should have a clear view out of all your windows and an unobstructed path to any doors. Keeping these features free of vegetation robs would-be burglars of concealment and hiding places. Keeping the areas around your windows free of plants can help to deter criminals from lurking too close to your home, without you noticing.
Alter the locks and the keys when you change homes. The previous tenant or owner may not have the keys, but you don’t know if they made copies for themselves or others. You can do your own installation to make sure that no one else has a key.
Before you think about home security, consider personal security and safety. Even though these security systems can guard you and your family, that doesn’t mean they’re for everyone. In some neighborhoods, you might be better off taking a self defense class or owning a dog, while in others, the latest innovations in home security will protect you best. Make sure you understand your risks so you can make wise purchasing decisions.

Prior to allowing access to anyone, make sure you are shown proper identification. Be sure to perform a background check and look for any criminal history that might be in evidence. You don’t know whether the contractor, maid, or repairman that you’ve hired is trustworthy and handing them your keys could be a costly mistake.
If you purchase a new TV or computer, don’t leave empty boxes from your purchases on the curb. A burglar sees this as an invitation to procure the item themselves. Cut up the boxes when they’re empty.
Ask about the history of any home security company you are considering. Companies that have been around for awhile show that they can provide reliable support. When you know that you’re dealing with a company of some repute, you can feel more at ease making that decision.
There is no need to have keyed locks on interior doors. Each entrance can be fitted with a keyless lock that requires a code to enter. You can install them yourself or you can hire a home security firm.
A reputable security company will send a representative to your home to design a custom system. You need some features which other families may wish to do without. If you find a company that will tailor the plan you choose to your needs, you can get the highest level of security that makes you feel comfortable.
Do not purchase spring latch locks. Spring latch locks are the easiest locks to gain entry with, as they can be opened with a simple credit card. An intruder has only to press the card into the doorjamb between latch and the door and the lock will pop open. A deadbolt can be retrofitted to a door with a spring latch lock if you want to make it more secure.
Think about your personal security needs before you purchase a home security system. They aren’t the right fit for everyone. Some individuals are more comfortable with a canine alarm, while other people enjoy the feeling of security that a sophisticated alarm system can bring. Be sure to understand the sorts of risks you face before deciding what sort of security is best for you.
If you aren’t at the house, keep the windows and curtains closed. You don’t want potential thieves knowing you are gone. Intruders can see into your home if they are left up. If they notice something valuable, they’re more likely to invade your home. Close your drapes or blinds while you are asleep, too.
When you purchase an expensive item such as a computer or TV, be sure to take the cardboard box to the recycling center rather than leaving it on your curb for all the world to see. A burglar sees this as an invitation to procure the item themselves. After removing the contents from these boxes, tear or cut them up.
If your door has a numeric lock, make sure the combination isn’t your birthday. Anyone can get personal information online which they can use to access your home. Rather, try and make your combination the answer to an equation so that you only need to remember an equation instead of an actual series of numbers.
You don’t need to rely on keys to prevent entry to certain areas of your home. Instead, key-less key code locks can work just as well. Any good security company can provide and install these locks, or you can even put them in yourself.
When you don’t want to spend a lot on maintenance, go for a hard-wired system. Wireless set-ups need battery changes all the time. If you do not stay on top of your wireless security system, you run the possibility of it failing when you need it most. Replacing batteries can get costly.
Do not hide your key in obvious places. Is anybody really fooled by those fake rocks? Not likely. The first place an intruder will likely look is under the doormat. A better idea is to have a friend or neighbor keep your emergency key. If you cannot do that, try to be creative when it comes to hiding places.
Program your lights to turn on and off at random intervals with a timer. They will go on when you need them, plus they’ll also go on when you’re not home.
Keep your drapes closed at night. You want to avoid having people peek in the windows. When your valuables are on display, burglars will see it as a veritable buffet. Keep your valuables out of sight and you’ll make yourself less of a target for crime.
If your family room window is facing the street, keep the curtains drawn every night. You wouldn’t want strangers leering into your home. If criminals can clearly view what’s going on in your house, it makes it easier for them to commit crimes. Keep your valuables out of sight and you’ll make yourself less of a target for crime.
Most people are aware of the important role that home security has in our daily lives. Surprisingly, though, very few people are aware of the steps that must be taken to protect their home and valuables. Hopefully, there is some information in the article that will keep your home safe around the clock.
Replace any non-metal or non-wood door immediately. Those are the doors that last. This makes it much harder for a burglar to kick in a door. The cost of replacing these doors is very minimal if they were to break.
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