The iphone is a well programmed device. It offers a clean interface, along with a very capable system of applications that assist users in many ways. However, there are many benefits to an iphone you may be missing out on. The article below contains tips and tricks for enhancing your iphone.
To dry a soaked phone, use rice. Phones are commonly dropped in water from puddles or toilets. A hair dryer can actually damage your phone further so to avoid this, fill a ziploc bag with dry rice and put your phone into it. After a number of hours, or overnight, your phone should be dry.
Not only can you take photos using your iPhone’s volume buttons, you can also take photos with the buttons on your iphone headphones. As you prepare to take the picture, steady your hand, then quickly depress the button located on the headphone cord. Doing so will give you a clear shot without shaking your iphone.
Practically any website can be transformed into an app for your iphone. All you have to do is visit the website. Once you are on the website, just hit the “Go” button. You will then have the option to create a shortcut to the site on your phone’s home screen. Finally, you have the option to change it’s name once you have added it to your phone.
To save time, do not always click the “X” button when the AutoCorrect function erroneously changes your word. Just tap the screen anywhere. The suggestion box will close.
You will need to download an app to allow your iphone to function as a storage drive. This makes uploading videos, pictures, music and text files much easier. The phone can be connected to a computer to retrieve the files.
You may be wanting to add an accented or umlauted letters but are not sure how. We can help you with that! All you have to do is touch and hold the letter you want for a few moments, and you will receive a list of options. A pop-up box should appear with extra keys. You’ll have access to a complete range of special characters this way.
If you are concerned with privacy, consider limiting how much you say to Siri. Apple records all prompts that go to Siri, and puts them on their internal servers. They do this to help the programs’ speech recognition, and to try to keep these files secure, but everything you say to Siri might get recorded.

Did you know that you can actually take a screenshot using your iphone? Just hold down the home and sleep buttons for a couple seconds. Your screenshot is saved when the screen is white.
It is important to update your iPhone’s firmware whenever updates are available. This increases your iPhone’s usability and battery life. You can update your firmware simply by uploading iTunes to your computer and connecting your phone to that computer. Another option is to just use your iCloud application to allow your phone and computer to communicate with each other.
There are many types of reminders available on your iphone; you have the ability to set up time-based reminders. Did you know that you can enter a reminder that is based on your location as well? For instance, you can create an alert to remind you to stop at the store on your way home. No matter what you need to remember, the iphone can help.
The iPhone’s calendar function is great for organizing your life. You can add events directly to the calendar without needing to use the “+” setting. If you’re in “Day” view, tap and hold down on an hour to automatically add an event for that hour. With this quick scheduling, you’ll have more time to be more efficient elsewhere!
In order to mark one of your emails as unread through your iphone, you must locate the command for it because it isn’t on there by default. Go to Details, then select the Unread feature. When you come back to your inbox, the e-mail will show up as unread.
Think about buying an app for battery management. Many such apps already exist and when getting the absolute maximum performance for your dollar is a goal, you’ll want to invest in one or the other. They also let you know when you need to calibrate, which keeps your battery working at an optimal level.
You know already that the iphone is very sophisticated in its programming. With a great look, a great feel and so many options, iPhones are a phenomenon. When you apply the knowledge you have learned here, you can begin to tap into your iPhone’s full potential.
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