Home News Home Security: Questions Answered By Experts And Peers

Home Security: Questions Answered By Experts And Peers

Home Security: Questions Answered By Experts And Peers

TIP! Is your dog kept outside when you are away? Your dog is an excellent place to hide your spare key. Conceal it in the dog’s collar.

You may have never had your home burglarized, but no doubt you know someone who has. People have to be very careful about home burglaries these days because they are increasing in frequency. Break-ins can occur anywhere. The information below will help you prevent this from happening in the future.

TIP! Shop around when looking for a good home security system. Most companies have different price schemes for the the same general level of protection.

Place the spare key that you make on your dog. This is only true if yours in an outdoor dog, or your house is equipped with a doggie door. Just place your key on your dog’s collar.

Spare Key

TIP! Keep your car in your garage. Keeping your car secured will prevent people from vandalizing it.

Hide your spare key in a place where no one would think to look for it. Never put a spare key under a doormat or above a door jam. One idea is to hide your key inside the collar of your outdoor dog.

TIP! Listen to your intuition as to whether your system is being installed by a trustworthy home security company. If the installers give you the heebie-jeebies, it’s not a good sign.

Buy housing materials that are fire resistant. This ensures your home won’t be a tinderbox. Fire is such a destructive force that it makes excellent sense to reduce fire hazards in your home whenever possible.

TIP! Were you aware that your home’s wires are valuable? Lots of people don’t know this until their wires are stolen. The copper in the wiring is valuable and can be stripped off of the outside of the home in a relevantly short period of time.

If your house has a garage, keep the car there, not just your junk. Keeping the car inside is a good way to keep criminals from stealing or harming it. Keeping your car out of sight is also a good way to prevent intruders from determining whether or not you are home.

TIP! Be sure to replace rotten wood in the frame of your front door. Anybody wanting to break into your house can just pry off rotted wood and get inside.

Do not be shy. Talk to your neighbors. Agree to watch each other’s homes while you are away. Listen for gossip too. You could learn important security information, such as if strangers have been lurking around the neighborhood.

TIP! Equipping each room in your house with a reliable flashlight (charged with good batteries, of course!) is an excellent safety investment. It is extremely important that you have flashlights because they allow you to move around easier in the dark, which is especially useful in an emergency.

Use exterior lights that have motion sensors. These lights turn on if someone walks closely to your house. Motion-sensitive lights will alert you to movement and deter people who want to break into your home. Just remember and change out the light bulbs whenever necessary.

TIP! If you allow a security company to come to your house, make sure they appear professional and can present identification. Criminals can easily pretend to be from a security firm as a means to gain entry to the house.

Trust your instincts when it comes to hiring a home security company. If the installers give you the heebie-jeebies, it’s not a good sign. Make sure that the installer has experience installing your type of security system. You want your new system to protect you, not be the way the thief gets into your home.

TIP! Any time you let a stranger into your home that is doing some kind of work, it is best to ask for references. Conduct background checks if necessary.

Don’t just consider alarming your doors when you’re considering an alarm system. Intruders can enter through your windows too. You want a security system that monitors all your windows and doors. This is vital to keeping your family safe.

TIP! Invite a security company to come to your house and figure out a system that will work for you. Every person has specific needs and wants when dealing with securing your family, home, and items.

Be certain the wires to your home security system are neither visible nor accessible. Burglars can easily cut the wires if they are visible. Never make things easy for them. Ask the person installing it to bury the wires or hide them inside the walls. You will be much safer.

TIP! Light up your home’s exterior. Burglars like using darkness to hide.

Be on the lookout for rotten wood anywhere near your doors or windows. An intruder can simply pry away that rotted wood and enter your home. Replace rotting wood with new wood to stay safe.

TIP! Don’t give anyone an opportunity to see inside your garage in order to ward off robbers. Cover windows using frosting, which you can buy at large hardware stores, to keep people from peeking in your window.

When moving into a previously owned home, change the locks. Although other tenants might not have a key anymore, they could have copied it. It’s easy to install locks, so you can just purchase them at the home improvement store and swap them out to be sure you have the only keys.

TIP! Whenever you purchase some expensive item, don’t place the empty boxes right outside your home. Burglars pay attention to this, and it will make them want to break in and get the items.

Before you let security company representatives into your home, check their ID. Thieves can pass themselves as workers, which can end up in a robbery of your home. This can put your family and possessions in danger. Make sure you are as cautious as you can be.

TIP! Keep your curtains pulled tight when you are away from home. If the blinds are up, then the intruders can see directly through your home.

Screen the references of anyone who would have access to your house. A background check may also be a good idea. Someone can seem nice and professional on the outside, but they may not be so nice on the inside.

TIP! See if your firm gives you the choice of leasing and/or buying security equipment. Buying your equipment may cost more initially, however it can actually save you money over time.

To increase your home’s security, buy some outdoor lights that are motion activated. During the night hours, these lights help light up the outside of your home, which makes them an excellent addition to your home security strategies. In addition, they are very affordable. Whenever you properly position these lights, they will make it almost impossible for burglars to sneak in.

TIP! If your door has a numeric keypad, don’t use your birthday as the password. Personal information, such as a birthday can be acquired on the Internet.

You want to know what is included in a contract if you’re signing up with a security company. There are early termination fees, and there may be fees for extra equipment procured in the future. You should avoid such expenses if you can, so make yourself aware.

TIP! Make sure you have the curtains drawn if your windows are faced toward the street. Don’t tempt others to look in your windows.

You may want to get a security system that is wireless. A wired system should be less expensive but you might have to spend your money on getting your home rewired. Systems that operate in a wireless environment can be easier to manage and are not as likely to cause extensive rewiring issues.

TIP! It can be tough to provide the proper level of security in a home equipped with sliding glass doors. These can become unlocked very easy by burglars.

If you are going on a vacation, ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and check your home for flyers. Burglars sometimes tack these up and watch to see whether or not they are removed. If the flier is not moved, they know that the occupant is not around or on vacation.

TIP! Women are targeted for robbery more often, particularly if they have children or they live alone. Consider putting some large, dirty boots on your porch so that it looks like the man of the house is home.

Don’t neglect your garage when it comes to home security. Be sure and shade your windows with window frosting, something that you can purchase at any hardware store, so as to keep people from looking in your house. Do not keep your door open long enough for people to get an idea of what you own.

TIP! Go straight to a home security company to buy your system rather than going through a middle man. Resellers are usually all about making a profit, and they do not stand behind everything they sell.

You don’t have to have a giant key ring full of keys just because you want your home to be secure. There are locks that use a code for entry, rather than a key. Either you can install them or home security companies can.

TIP! Your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors need to be cleaned regularly. Dust can build up and cause the sensors to not be as effective as they should be.

Remember that burglaries happen in all kinds of homes, from modest to luxurious. Thieves target houses that are easily broken into. Make your home a safer place for your family by following the advice presented here and making your home unappealing to burglars.

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About The Author

Written by
James D. Parker

James D. Parker is professional surveillance camera experts, understand more than 1,000 surveillance cameras, and have a wealth of surveillance camera related knowledge

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